Adding and Creating Spaces

The plan reccomended that the city create various spaces, such as railroad stations, new roads, or even completely new land.



"Burnham pointed out that the city was annually disposing of one million cubic yards of clean fill—mostly ashes from coal-burning boilers and dirt removed for basements—by dumping it far out in the lake. That was enough to create more than 20 acres of landfill if dumped close to shore." - The Burnham Plan Centennial


The Burnham plan suggested that multiple artificial islands were built, but only Northerly Island was actually constructed, in 1925. It was a park until 1947, when an airport called Megis Field opened. However, it became a park again in 1997.


As a result of the Burnham plan, more than 100 miles of streets were widened.


Not every suggestion the Plan had was applied. Above are the railroads that it recommended, but not every railroad was built.